It’s time for everyone to reach their full health potential no matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, or social environment.”

Crystal Liu

2021 Top 30 Under 30


Age: 23

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

Current Residence: Calgary, Alberta


    • University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine 
    • Calgary Student Run Clinic
    • The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease
    • Medical Students Against Interpersonal Violence

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) I am most passionate about:

What does SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being mean to you?

As the daughter of hard-working immigrant parents, I have experienced first-hand the barriers to health for individuals of low socioeconomic status. I truly believe in promoting health equity so that the gender, race, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status of individuals does not prevent them from reaching their full potential.

How are you working towards SDG 3?

The Calgary Student Run Clinic (SRC) is a student-run initiative that provides accessible and comprehensive health care tailored towards the needs of Calgary’s underserved populations. Our goal is to promote health equity where individuals can reach their full health potential without being disadvantaged by social class, financial status, or education background. By volunteering in the clinic, medical students are also given the opportunity to diversify their clinical experience through working with vulnerable populations. This, in turn, makes them better, more empathetic future physicians.

As the Vice-Chair of the Calgary SRC and with the support of my colleagues and mentors, I led the development of a new after-hours clinic in collaboration with the Mustard Seed Society. As a community partner, the Mustard Seed helped me develop a better understanding of the actions required to positively address the health needs of Calgary’s inner-city community.  

What needs to be done now?

As a witness to the impact that student-led initiatives like the Calgary SRC can have on the community and how guidance from community partners have helped us engage with various communities more effectively, I support the funding and establishment of collaborative incubator programs. Such programs would help youth in the community to successfully run health initiatives by providing the workspace, funding, and mentorship necessary to transform their ideas into reality. I believe resources should be put towards helping individuals from all backgrounds to learn and build the capacity to create their own grassroot programs and organizations in order to tackle the health problems most prevalent in their communities.

Crystal taking blood pressure for a patient at the University of Calgary Health Sciences Centre clinic.

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