“Every voice has value and deserves to be heard, learn what your story has to offer and let your perspective be heard.”
Stevin Lin
2024 Top 30 Under 30
AGE: 28
- Terra Centre
- Global Shapers Edmonton
- Creative Leadership Conference
- Edmonton Community Foundation
- YEG Startup Community Awards
What specific issue(s) are you taking on, and what inspires you to do so?
I am strongly motivated by SDG 4 – Quality Education, because I believe that by providing a strong, balanced and holistic education, we are better equipped to tackle the world’s challenges. Through Creative Leadership (Initiatives of Change), I have been fortunate enough to support a variety of young leaders from around the world find power in their own story and be willing to share that with themselves and their community. I carry this strong drive for hearing, understanding and empowering people with their stories at the Terra Centre, where we focus on providing young families with the support that they need to achieve their goals for themselves while they raise their children.
What does climate change or climate justice mean to you? To your work?
A key part of climate justice is ensuring that the solutions meaningfully involve everyone who is impacted. This phrase comes to mind: “Nothing for us, without us”. This principle is a large focus in our work at Terra as well as other projects I am involved in. Before we jump to action, we need to make sure that what we do contains the voices of those we serve and the community we are part of. This means co-creating ideas forward and making sure that we create systems to ensure that these stories and voices do not get lost.
What advice do you have for other young people looking to get involved in sustainable development?
Sustainability is a broad topic with a variety of different areas that do not get the spotlight. Take some time to explore what is out there and find out what you are passionate about. Even if you are not an expert, you can still engage in smaller local initiatives that focus on one’s everyday life, whether that be your food waste or extending the lifecycle of your clothes. Start small and find your way from there.
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