
“Sustainability is not a choice; it’s a matter of survival.”

Gazi Nouman

2024 Top 30 Under 30


AGE: 27


HOMETOWN: Khartoum, Sudan

CURRENT RESIDENCE: Nyamira County, Kenya


  • Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST)
  • WaterCare-Sudan
  • Sudan Youth Parliament for Water (SYPW)
  • Mutasim Nimir Centre for Environmental Culture (MNCEC)
  • Aqua Clara Kenya (ACK)
  • Sudan Project Management Association (SPMA)
  • Pipeline Engineering for Water and Sanitation


What specific issue(s) are you taking on, and what inspires you to do so?

Initially, as a fresh graduate civil engineer, I chose to work in water engineering to address water crises and to contribute to developing the environment in my country. However, after gaining a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related to water and communities, I made a firm commitment to advocate for sustainable development and to actively promote the inclusion of youth in the water sector. The exclusion of youth has resulted in a generational knowledge gap, diminishing knowledge transfer and forbidding the sector’s access to valuable skills, potentials and visions from newer generations. Additionally, addressing the issue of sustainability in water sector is crucial. Implementing unsustainable development projects not only wastes limited resources in the long term, but also inadvertently harms communities by diminishing services and negatively impacting beneficiaries over time.

What does climate change or climate justice mean to you? To your work?

Climate change, a global crisis, disproportionately impacts vulnerable nations initially; but eventually, it will impact everyone. However, the gravest toll will be borne by future generations unless decisive action is taken today. Enter climate justice—it’s imperative to establish equity and fairness in international agreements and actions on mitigation and adaptation, giving due consideration to vulnerable communities and the inheritors of tomorrow’s challenges.

Youth are at the forefront of this battle, advocating for more ambitious climate policies, igniting awareness, and holding leaders accountable for their actions. Their voices, resonating with urgency and determination, demand acknowledgment and support. It is they who will bear the weightiest burden of climate change crises, making their advocacy not only crucial but a moral imperative for a sustainable future.

What advice do you have for other young people looking to get involved in sustainable development?

Be strong and resilient! Advocating for sustainable development requires the courage to constructively critique not only practices harmful to our planet, but also those carried out with good intentions if done in an unsustainable manner.

In 2021, Gazi replaced a diesel generator with a solar-powered one to power a village submersible water pump. Three years later, the replacement continues to provide sustainable access to water, keeping kids in schools and eliminating pollution.

At the 2020 Water for Peace conference in Sudan, Gazi facilitated a transparent dialogue with the Minister of Water Resources alongside his colleagues from the Sudan Youth Parliament for Water. Their collaborative efforts were instrumental in reshaping ministry policies to empower and support Sudanese youth in the water sector.

Gazi on Sudan National TV in 2022 discussing current and imminent water and environmental challenges on both national and global levels, emphasizing the critical role of sustainable development in mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change crises.

While displaced from home due to war in Sudan, Gazi facilitated an East Africa regional online training with the Centre for Affordable Water Sanitation Technology in 2023, with 360 participants attending from five countries.

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