“Listen to the stories of the women and gender-diverse people in our communities and take the time to unpack your unconscious biases.”

-Sara Kardash

Age: 22

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta

Currently Residing In: Edmonton, Alberta

Affiliations: Engineers Without Borders Canada (ACGC Member)

Tell us about yourself!

I am in my final year of civil environmental engineering at the University of Alberta, where I have been involved with the on-campus Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Canada chapter as co-president. I went into engineering with a desire to help others and have created a space where I am able to learn and grow as an engineer and as a systems-change leader.

How does your work promote gender equality in Canada and around the world?

I lead a team of young individuals who want to see change in our community, change in the world, and change in their own lives. These young people fuel my desire to continue learning and uncovering the ways that I, as a white woman, have benefitted from inequality and the oppression of others. I have an opportunity to be an example as a woman in engineering who is not afraid to ask tough questions and stand out as someone who cares. I am proud to represent an organization that continually invests in women—both overseas and within Canada—and sees the value in having gender representation at our table.

How does the work you do addressing gender inequality connect to progress on the other Sustainable Development Goals?

The University of Alberta EWB Chapter has been actively working for the past year on our national advocacy campaign, #Hello2030. It has been exciting to see our chapter members engaging with the public around the SDGs and Canada’s role on the global stage. We have been collecting support for the SDGs and plan on taking this to the federal government as proof that Canadians believe there is more that can be done to implement and achieve the SDGs by 2030.
As an organization, our work investing in early-stage social enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa supports several of the SDGs. Working with grassroots organizations, we are able to see change in the economic, environmental, and social systems that have enabled poverty and inequality for so long. Additionally, our chapter has had conversations with large Canadian companies who are interested in incorporating the SDGs into their businesses.

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