“The foundation for change lies in placing those you are impacting at the heart of your work.”

Heny Panghulan

2025 Top 30 Under 30



AGE: 21





    • Sustainable Development Goals Alliance (SDGA)
    • Refugee Immigrant Student Empowerment (RISE) for Health and Wellness
    • Faith and Spirituality Centre (FSC), University of Calgary

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

I am most passionate about:

What specific issue(s) are you working to address, and what motivates you to do so?

My work with the Sustainable Development Goals Alliance (SDGA) centers on empowering university students with the skills and knowledge necessary to address the climate crisis. The SDGA provides educational opportunities through our SDG Summit and storytelling event that commences every October and February, respectively.

I work with the SDGA to organize an annual SDG summit, we invite students, staff, and community members with varying degrees of involvement with the 17 SDGs to discuss critical SDG-related issues, share knowledge, and network. The SDGA places a heavy emphasis on issues directly important to university students. In 2024, the SDGA focused discussion on the themes of “no one left behind” and “what’s beyond 2030,” addressing growing concerns about the responsibilities we, as university students, will face as we transition into the workforce and take on leadership roles.

During International Development Week (IDW), the SDGA organizes an annual storytelling event. In this event, individuals are given the opportunity to share personal lived experiences with any of the 17 SDGs through mediums like poetry, videos, and prose. I believe that storytelling is a powerful tool for activism and is often overlooked for its ability to build connections in ways that facts and information cannot. I have played a part in organizing themes related to eco-emotions and gender equality, creating a space where personal stories connect deeply with audiences, fostering empathy and understanding beyond facts and data alone.

What is your foundation?

There are two key experiences that continuously inspire my work in the equity and sustainability sectors – immigrating to Canada, and growing up in a climate-vulnerable country.

When I immigrated to Canada at 10 years old, my family faced substantial challenges to adapt financially and culturally. We were fortunate to have received help from social programs, family, and friends. I carved this feeling of gratitude deep into my heart, inspiring me to partake in work that serves people in the same way that I have been served.

I grew up in the Philippines, where the devastating impacts of climate disasters like typhoons and floods were a common reality. Witnessing families lose their homes, livelihoods, and loved ones to these events left a lasting impression on me. I first encountered the concept of climate change in grade 9, learning about how climate change will continue to exacerbate magnitudes of climate disasters and disproportionately impact third-world countries with less access to resources necessary to adapt, like the Philippines. My grade 9 teacher empowered me by introducing the idea that everyone has a role to play in addressing the climate crisis, especially those in resource-rich countries like Canada, which holds the power to effect global change. In hindsight, I now realize how my teacher played an important role in my work today, inspiring me to empower those around me as well.

What is your vision for the future?

All the work that I am doing today has been made possible by inspiring mentors who have empowered me by acknowledging my work and believing in my potential. My dream is to empower those around me in the same way that I have been empowered. I am particularly interested in working with marginalized communities to embrace the unique experiences and perspectives they hold, and how they can use this to change the world into one that is more equitable.

Heny moderating a workshop at the 2024 SDG Summit, where participants were given the task of developing a sustainable solution to problems faced by university students at the University of Calgary.
Heny with the SDG Alliance representing the student engagement booth at the launch of the 2024-2028 sustainability action plan at the University of Calgary.
A group photo featuring the SDG Summit Committee, panelists, keynote speaker, and some attendees from the 2024 SDG Summit, co-led by Heny.
A group photo of the SDG Alliance members who organized the 2024 storytelling event for international development week (IDW), which was centred on the theme of “embracing eco emotions”.

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